This course is designed to ensure that participants understand the requirements and procedures that are governed by legislation and codes of practice to ensure that they and everybody that may be affected by working at heights operations are not subjected to an unacceptable level of risk.
The course includes both theory and practical components, with participants undertaking practical exercises to ensure familiarity with procedures, equipment and safety work at height systems
RIIWHS204D Work safely at height
1 Day
- Assess hazards and risk associated with working at heights and implement control methods
- Select wear and care for personal protective equipment
- Identify required safety systems including fall protection and associated equipment
- Check that fitting, adjusting and anchoring of fall protection and associated equipment is correct
- Perform work safely at heights
- Safe shifting and handling of tools and materials
- Adhere to statutory and regulatory authority requirements
- Comply with heights safety systems
- Comply with safe work methods
- Locate and apply relevant documentation, policies and procedures
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